Tips for Dry Skin

1. Take food which contains little amount of oils and cheese. 2. Mix 2-3 drops of rose water in 2 tbsp. of cream on the top of milk and massage to your face and wash with warm water after 20 min. 3. Take egg yellow mix 3 tbsp. of cream on the top of milk and apply to face wait till it dries and wash with basin flour. Don’t apply around the eye. 4. Take very ripe banana and massage with mashed banana for 5 min. and wait for 15 min then wash your face with warm water. 5. Mix 2 drops of honey in cream on the top of milk and massage that to your face and neck and after 1 hr take shower with warm water. 6. To avoid dryness in skin use milk. Because milk contains moisturizer. Take a tbsp. of milk and apply to face and neck and take shower with warm or cold water every day. 7. If you are out of home it’s not possible to do all these right. So…. Here is a tip… add 10-12 drops of coconut oil in your bathing water or apply coconut oil to your body and take bath. 8. Use moisturizing lotions. 9. Apply cold cream before you go to bed and after 15-min wipe off with cotton. 10. Apply moisturizer before you do your make-up. It will keep the make-up for long time. Dry skin: Don’t wash your face with soap. Because it makes more dry. In fresh butter add basin flour and olive oil and make a paste and apply to face every morning and evening wait 10 min and wash with warm water do this for about a month, you will see a difference in your face. Avoid using harsh soaps. Use cleansing milk to clean. Use moisturizes. Make-up with light foundation.


Focus on fat loss rather that weight loss. Your body is made up of lean muscle tissue and fat. Lean muscle tissue consists of your bones, organs and muscle tissue and is good weight. Always try to maintain or increase your lean muscle tissue. Do not consume "energy" drinks or bars prior to exercise if you are trying to lose weight (fat). These products will spike your blood sugar levels, which causes insulin to be released into your bloodstream. Insulin halts your body's fat-burning process and encourages fat storage. You have plenty of sugar stored in your muscles to complete at least three hours of exercise. Do not weigh yourself every day. Use a tape measure, the mirror and how your clothes fit to monitor your progress. Weight is not the enemy ... fat is. Surround yourself with people who have the same health and fitness goals. You will support each other during times of low motivation and high stress. Try to make some form of exercise a daily habit. The best time to do this is first thing in the morning — this will maximize fat loss results and minimize the chance you will not do it later in the day. Include some weight training in your exercise routine. This will help increase your strength, tone your body, boost your metabolism and help prevent osteoporosis. Keep a set of dumbbells nearby if you do not have time for a formal workout. You can take a quick break and sneak in a quick set of arm raises, shoulder presses or squats. Try to do your exercises during these quick breaks. It all adds up. Keep an exercise journal so you can monitor your progress and reward yourself when you reach a goal. All exercise (physical activity) burns calories. Keep moving. Take the stairs. Walk. Run. Stretch. It all helps. Start today! There are hundreds of reason not to exercise, and for many of us tomorrow never comes. Break some old habits and start some new ones. The rewards of looking and feeling your best are priceless. Go now!

First aid Tips

Heart attack Symptom:- -Pain, discomfort at the centre of chest. -Pain passing to shoulder(s), neck, back, arms(s), jaw. -Palpitation (abnormal heartbeat) -Shortness of breath -Nausea (vomiting sensation) -Sweating without any reason -Dizziness and weakness First aid: -Make the victim lie down -Call an ambulance service -Take an aspirin dissolved in a glass of water. -Place a sorbitrate under the victim's tongue. -Check victim is breathing. If not start artificial respiration. Artificial respiration--- Close the nostrils by pinching them together. Take a deep breath and close your mouth over victim's. Breathe slowly into the victim's mouth. Repeat the procedure until the victim start breathing again. Burns -Mild burn can be treated with ointment or spray. -Cool the burnt area with water for several minutes. -Never apply butter or oil on burn. -Relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used on a mild burn. -Burn on face and neck can sometimes swell to cause difficulty in breathing and restrict blood flow. In such a case, call ambulance immediately. -Wear loose cloth made of cotton or silk which is natural material. Cuts -Minor cut should be cleaned with water. Avoid soap. -Remove dirt in the wound. -Apply antibiotic ointment. -Dress the wound. -Change dressing daily. -Apply gentle pressure if bleeding persists. -Do not clean a major wound. Do not remove deeply placed dirt. Do not breath on an open wound, never push back exposed body parts. Fracture -Find out how the accident occurred and location of injury. -Check the pulse. If pulse is not found on arms or legs, the injury requires immediate surgical care. -If the bone is protruding (bulging out) cover with clean cloth once bleeding is controlled. -Do not massage the affected area or straighten broken bone. -Do not move joins above or below the fracture and avoid giving the victim oral liquid or food. Poisons and bites Animal bite: -Wash area with mild soap and warm water for five minutes to remove foreign particles. -Use pressure to stop bleeding. -If the wound is swollen, apply ice wrapped in a towel for ten minutes. -Cover wound with bandage. Insect bite: -Move to a safe area. -Wash the area with soap and water.