First aid Tips

Heart attack Symptom:- -Pain, discomfort at the centre of chest. -Pain passing to shoulder(s), neck, back, arms(s), jaw. -Palpitation (abnormal heartbeat) -Shortness of breath -Nausea (vomiting sensation) -Sweating without any reason -Dizziness and weakness First aid: -Make the victim lie down -Call an ambulance service -Take an aspirin dissolved in a glass of water. -Place a sorbitrate under the victim's tongue. -Check victim is breathing. If not start artificial respiration. Artificial respiration--- Close the nostrils by pinching them together. Take a deep breath and close your mouth over victim's. Breathe slowly into the victim's mouth. Repeat the procedure until the victim start breathing again. Burns -Mild burn can be treated with ointment or spray. -Cool the burnt area with water for several minutes. -Never apply butter or oil on burn. -Relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used on a mild burn. -Burn on face and neck can sometimes swell to cause difficulty in breathing and restrict blood flow. In such a case, call ambulance immediately. -Wear loose cloth made of cotton or silk which is natural material. Cuts -Minor cut should be cleaned with water. Avoid soap. -Remove dirt in the wound. -Apply antibiotic ointment. -Dress the wound. -Change dressing daily. -Apply gentle pressure if bleeding persists. -Do not clean a major wound. Do not remove deeply placed dirt. Do not breath on an open wound, never push back exposed body parts. Fracture -Find out how the accident occurred and location of injury. -Check the pulse. If pulse is not found on arms or legs, the injury requires immediate surgical care. -If the bone is protruding (bulging out) cover with clean cloth once bleeding is controlled. -Do not massage the affected area or straighten broken bone. -Do not move joins above or below the fracture and avoid giving the victim oral liquid or food. Poisons and bites Animal bite: -Wash area with mild soap and warm water for five minutes to remove foreign particles. -Use pressure to stop bleeding. -If the wound is swollen, apply ice wrapped in a towel for ten minutes. -Cover wound with bandage. Insect bite: -Move to a safe area. -Wash the area with soap and water.

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