Mobile numbers to start with ' 8 '

The mobile numbers which starts with 9 is almost over as per the report from distance communication department of the Indian government. So, the next priority can be given to the number 8 and so we can expect mobile numbers to start with 8 in a year or so. Hence, 10 crore new numbers can be allocated. The half of this count will be shared with other mobile service providers in India.

According to a report given by TRAI association, the number of mobile users in India is 41 crore 50 lakhs until May 2009 which may got increased by now. Before a year of the survey it was 27 crore 70 lakhs. So the number started to increase exponentially and hence the number of users also likely to be increased to a larger extend. So, TRAI is analysing in having a 11 digit mobile number instead of the the normal 10 digits number that we are using today. When the number 11 digit numbers comes to the market, the left out 10 digit numbers can be given as V.I.P numbers.

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