The way to save a life

If there is a late for an ambulance to reach, giving first aid will minimize the dangerous situation. Before taking to the doctor you can play the role of doctor and save life.
Here are some tips-

Heart attack
-Pain, discomfort at the centre of chest.
-Pain passing to shoulder(s), neck, back, arms(s), jaw.
-Palpitation (abnormal heartbeat)
-Shortness of breath
-Nausea (vomiting sensation)
-Sweating without any reason
-Dizziness and weakness

First aid:
-Make the victim lie down
-Call an ambulance service
-Take an aspirin dissolved in a glass of water.
-Place a sorbitrate under the victim's tongue.
-Check victim is breathing. If not start artificial respiration.

Artificial respiration--- Close the nostrils by pinching them together. Take a deep breath and close your mouth over victim's. Breathe slowly into the victim's mouth. Repeat the procedure until the victim start breathing again.

-Mild burn can be treated with ointment or spray.
-Cool the burnt area with water for several minutes.
-Never apply butter or oil on burn.
-Relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used on a mild burn.
-Burn on face and neck can sometimes swell to cause difficulty in breathing and restrict blood flow. In such a case, call ambulance immediately.
-Wear loose cloth made of cotton or silk which is natural material.

-Minor cut should be cleaned with water. Avoid soap.
-Remove dirt in the wound.
-Apply antibiotic ointment.
-Dress the wound.
-Change dressing daily.
-Apply gentle pressure if bleeding persists.
-Do not clean a major wound. Do not remove deeply placed dirt.
Do not breath on an open wound, never push back exposed body parts.

-Find out how the accident occurred and location of injury.
-Check the pulse. If pulse is not found on arms or legs, the injury requires immediate surgical care.
-If the bone is protruding (bulging out) cover with clean cloth once bleeding is controlled.
-Do not massage the affected area or straighten broken bone.
-Do not move joins above or below the fracture and avoid giving the victim oral liquid or food.

Poisons and bites
Animal bite:
-Wash area with mild soap and warm water for five minutes to remove foreign particles.
-Use pressure to stop bleeding.
-If the wound is swollen, apply ice wrapped in a towel for ten minutes.
-Cover wound with bandage.

Insect bite:
-Move to a safe area.
-Wash the area with soap and water.

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